+ USA (JTWC/1-min avg): 65 km/hr
+ Beijing (NMC/2-min avg): 65 kph
+ Taiwan (CWB/10-min avg): 65 km/hr
+ Japan (JMA/10-min avg): 65 km/hr
+ Hong Kong (HKO/10-min avg): 65 km/hr
+ Korea (KMA/10-min avg): 60 km/hr
6:00 AM PST (22:00 GMT)
Sun 11 October 2009
# View: Advisory Archives (2004-2009)
Tropical Storm NEPARTAK (21W) barely moving over the Western Pacific Ocean, south of Iwo To.
*Residents and visitors along Iwo To & Chichi Jima Islands should closely monitor the progress of NEPARTAK.
*Kindly refer to your local warnings & bulletins issued by your country's official weather agency. This advisory is intended for additional information purposes only.
+ Forecast Outlook: NEPARTAK is expected to track Northward slowly within the next 24 hours. The 2 to 3-day Medium Range Forecast shows NEPARTAK weakening into a Tropical Depression as it starts recurving towards the NNE to NE and dissipate on Wednesday Oct 14.
+ Effects: N/A.
[Important Note: Please keep in mind that the above forecast outlook, effects, current monsoon intensity, & tropical cyclone watch changes every 6 to 12 hrs!]
Time/Date: 6:00 AM PST Sun October 11 2009
Location of Center: 22.2º N Lat 142.0º E Lon
Distance 1: 545 km (295 nm) South of Chichi Jima
MaxWinds (1-min avg): 65 kph (35 kts) near the center
Peak Wind Gusts: 85 kph (45 kts)
Saffir-Simpson Typhoon Scale: Tropical Storm
Coastal Storm Surge Height: 1-3 feet [0.3-0.9 m]
Minimum Central Pressure: 996 millibars (hPa)
Recent Movement: North @ 05 kph (03 kts)
Projected Area of Impact: Iwo To-Chichi Jima Area
Size (in Diameter): 445 km (240 nm) / Average
Max Sea Wave Height (near center): 13 ft (3.9 m)
Wunder TrackMap (for Public): 2 AM PST Sun Oct 11
JTWC Ship Avoidance TrackMap: 2 AM Sun Oct 11
Multi-Agency Forecast TrackMap: 2 AM Sun Oct 11
TSR Wind Probabilities: Current to 3-days Ahead
EORC-JAXA TRMM Image: Latest Rainrate 01
NASA-JAXA TMI Image: Latest Rainrate 02
Zoomed Satellite Pic: Near Real-Time
Wunderground Animation: 6-12 hr. GIF Loop
- Typhoon2000.com
* Data as of 2009-10-10 06:00 UTC / 14:00 HKT
* 21.4N 142.0E (2868 km E of Hong Kong; 382 km S of Iwo jima, Japan), based on VIS imageries,
* Moving N at 9 km/h over the past 6 hours
* 65 gusting 90 km/h (35G50KT)
* 996 hPa
* T2.5/2.5/D0.5/24HRS (11/0530Z)
* Convection wrapped .40 on log10 spiral.
* Tropical Depression NEPARTAK has strengthened into a Tropical Storm.
* NEPARTAK is a small system, convective activities are mostly found over the northeastern quadrant. Recently a region of small deep convection is forming over the centre.
* QUIKSCAT pass also showed stronger winds to the east of NEPARTAK's centre.
* Poleward outflow is strong. As vertical wind shear remains weak, the system should develop slowly in the next day.
* At 08:11 UTC / 16:11 HKT / 17:11 JST, Iwo jima (Japan) reported a sea level pressure of 1010 hPa.
* We expect NEPARTAK to move northward slowly in general within the next 24 hours under the influence of the Pacific high.
* Members of the public in Iwo jima: NEPARTAK is approaching from the south. Please pay attention to the latest weather information from your local weather office.
* Forecast position at 11/06Z: 23.4N 141.8E, 85 km/h (45 kt)
The next update is scheduled for 2009-10-11 15:00 UTC / 23:00 HKT or earlier.
- Pacific Tropical Cyclone Center
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